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Weed Control


The Cass County Weed Control Authority is a 5-person elected board which directs the activities of the weed superintendent. The Weed Superintendent is an appointed County Official appointed by the Cass County Commissioners. The current superintendent is Randy Group of rural Louisville. The current Weed Control Authority Board members are Michelle Group, Nick Rayer, Dan Stohlmann, Jerry Smith, and Dan Nielsen.


The Cass County Weed Control Authority is responsible for administering the NE Noxious Weed Control Law at the local level. The Authority also establishes a coordinated noxious weed. control program, causes proper control methods to be utilized following failure of the landowner to provide control, issues individual noxious weed notices, notifies the County Attorney of landowners failure to take action to control noxious weeds and files notices with the Register of Deeds of possible unpaid weed control assessments against a property.


Out of a total 362,202 acres in Cass County approximately 1997 were infested with noxious weeds in the year 2015, down from 7,202 acres infested in 2001. This was a decrease of 5,205 acres despite 6 new noxious weeds added to the state noxious weed list since 2001. Each year these numbers move up and down, however Cass County has a vigorous and active control program and large increases in infestations have not occurred in some time. There are 12 weeds on the state noxious weeds list: Musk Thistle, Plumeless Thistle, Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge, Spotted Knapweed, Diffuse Knapweed, Purple Loosestrife, Saltcedar, Phragmites, Sericea Lespedeza, Giant and Japanese Knotweed. Nuisance weeds, trees & brush and mowing heights are not regulated by the Weed Control Authority.


All inquires can be addressed to this office at:

PO Box 55, Manely, Nebraska 68403
Phone: 402-234-4104

Office hours are generally 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, but the superintendent spends many hours out of the office so call first for an appointment. The office is located at 307 Main Street, Manley Ne. in the large metal building at the east end of the block. The entrance is on the southwest corner of the building.

Please leave your questions or noxious weed complaints on the office answering machine, even when the superintendent is out the phone messages are checked frequently. Leave a short message about your noxious weed issue along with your name and phone number-all information is kept confidential. Anonymous calls will be followed up on but will be at the bottom of the inspection list. Phones messages are better than emails in the busy season.